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Unconscious programming may be blocking you from believing in your gifts

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-26 at 20.31.01

The other day, a client said to me she was not special, she was ordinary. She wanted coaching on how to embrace it and be a model to show others that it was OK.

Now, I rarely interrupt my clients.

In this case, I could not let this slide.

I said, let me stop you right there.You are NOT ordinary.

You are DEFINITELY extraordinary.

Are you wondering what was really going on here?

Now, there’s nothing wrong with my client.

She simply was experiencing deep, unconscious programming blocking her from believing in her own gifts, and unless we rooted it out, that stubborn programming that was keeping her stuck.

Because trust me, she has SO MANY gifts.

All of my clients do.

And so do you.

But she was demonstrating the exact problem you also might be experiencing, no matter how remarkable your achievements; she was not only struggling to SAY she had a gift, she didn’t even BELIEVE it.

These are the kinds of blocks that come up for the high-achieving women I work with.

I am sharing them here because they are SO COMMON.

And I want to normalize how challenging it can be for women to recognize their special sauce, the spicy-chili-crisp kind that nobody else can replicate except for you.

And I’m not talking about everyone-get-a-trophy kind of special, because that’s not what this is about.

I’m talking about the deep, remarkable genius that only YOU have.

And I see so many women rob themselves of allowing that gift to come forward; even worse, they rob the world of experiencing it.

Consider if EVERYONE released the blocks stopping you from stepping into your genius — the world for damn sure would be a better place.

It’s why I created my course, Your Clear Calling. Shattering stubborn blocks so you can connect to yourself is the only way to unlock your intuition and step into your purposeful life. 

Doors to YCC close ASAP, and I don’t want you to miss out on my last cohort for 2023.

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