“Engaged by December 2013.”
I wrote that goal down in December 2012. Without a doubt, it was the most terrifying goal I had ever written down. Until that point in my life, I excelled at career and health goals, appearing to crush my rise in journalism, feeling healthy and fit in my body with a regular yoga practice that I had turned into a career as yoga teacher. All the while, I flailed at my personal life. I wanted so much to have a committed relationship and a family, but I was scared to admit I wanted it. I had spent my adult life focusing on career and bucking the idea I needed a relationship to be successful and happy.
The truth was:
I wanted a partner. I wanted a family. I wanted to get married.
I met my now-husband Chris the next year. It took us another two years to make that goal a reality. I learned this hard lesson many times — goal-setting isn’t about hitting the goal at the exact time and date you write it down. (I updated that goal every year until I reached it!) It’s about putting it out into the universe. I had to make many adjustments through that time to make my goal my actual life. It required patience, love and so much faith. And, I know it was the act of writing that goal down that brought it to life. I must quote my teacher Susanne Conrad:
Goals are orders to the universe.
Do you have a deep-down, terrifying, yet correct goal that you know is right for you? And you’re afraid to say it out loud? I’m here to say that putting it down makes it real. The universe is ready to take your order! What goals is it time for you to share? Post in the comments below!