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How to stop yelling at your sulky tween

Do you have a time of day when you struggle more?

Is it in the morning when you are hustling to get everyone out the door, late to your first meeting which basically means late to everything all day?

Or is it in the evening, as you scroll through Instagram, and wonder why you didn’t hit everything today on your to-do list?

What if you could experience less stress and hustle in the morning, and you leave the house able to cope with whatever the sulking tween is throwing your way?

What if you could end your day feeling like you did everything you wanted to — and even did yoga too? Can you throw a nutritious, home-cooked meal in there?

If this seems like a pipe dream, I promise you it is not. It is not something that only people say they do, but in real life, grab Thai food on the way home. It is not a vision that happens in your mind but not in reality when you yell at your tween to get their sh*t together. It is not the work/life balance that you think you’ll only get once you nail your dream job.

The truth is if this is how every day goes, someone else is driving the train.

It’s your life, but there’s another driver — and it ain’t you.

How do you get back in charge? How do you make sure you are the one calling the shots on how your day will go?

Step 1. Stop scrolling! Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and feel your breath in your chest or your toes inside your shoes.

Step 2. Stand up. Right now! Do it, stand up. Shake things out. Put on a song or do a one-minute dance party. If you’re really going for it, take a 5 minute walk. Don’t think about anything. Just look at the sky, the trees, how your feet feel on the ground.

Step 3. Clarify your intention for your day. Heck, clarify your intention for 2019. Come back to how you want to be for your kids, for your coworkers, for you.

You’ve got this. I know you do.

P.S. Are you ready to finish out 2019 strong? Book a discovery call today!

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